
Who are we and what do we do?

Topdog is specialized in everything for dogsports, we give a personal service and advice. We sell rare material. We also offer a wide range of fresh, raw and frozen food that is selected on its purity.

We have been active for years with our own bred Bullmastiffs and successfully …
Belgian Champion in 2002-2003-2004-2006-2007 and 2 x European Champion in 2008.

We have recently followed training taught by Geert De Bolster “How to motivate difficult young dogs” and a course at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University about hip dysplasia in dogs.

We followed canine training Rd, Hubertus (teacher, international judge Teo Leenen). We are qualified dog breeders (2 years training, Syntra Ostend) and certified dog trainers (one year training, Syntra Kortrijk).
We have been trained by Dominique Standaart (Yes) system, Martin Gaus (cliker) and Chris Dorchain (massage with patent and licensing dogs T-Touch/Tellington Jones method).

We have followed an orthomolecular nutrition course in the Netherlands about natural foods at the Institute of Soe (foundation orthomolecular eductatie).

We also own 11 Bullmastiffs.

3 generations: Grandma Silver van de Vijverrand, grandson Kabilla en great-grandson Barrabas.